Life Teen High School Registration Click Here

All registration is online, however, we do require physical, notarized medical forms to be turned in ASAP to allow students to participate.
For your convenience,  we have a notary at the Church office or at the Youth Center.

Click here to download the forms.

Jr. Mentor Application
Jr. Mentor: Teens mature in their faith looking to be in leadership roles on Retreats, Middle School Mentor and Planning. Contact Jen @


A program like this can only be run by parish support. I have to say that it’s been a joy to watch students grow but it has also been a joy to work with a great group of adults and parents who mentor students. We are always looking for more people who would be dedicated and called to minister to our youth. The commitment is once a week, either Wednesday with our Middle School students or Sunday evening with our High School students. If you feel like God is nudging your heart right now, please email and let her know what grade level you would like to work with.

Keep Informed:  We have a very active Instagram feed that is constantly being updated with photos and messages.

Instagram – @StTims_LT

GroupMe – Parents Join our GroupMe Chat

LIFE TEEN Meals 2024 -25
We need your help! Families get together and come up with a meal for 70-100 teens for our Sunday Nights Life Teen gathering. Easy food, nothing fancy. Prepare in Parish Hall Kitchen or at home or even order take out

Examples of meals: chili, wraps, hot dogs & chips, chicken & rice, pizza, tacos, chicken nuggets, sandwiches, pasta, pulled pork sandwiches, hamburgers, breakfast for dinner…..

Meals must be ready to serve by 6:15pm in Parish Hall kitchen. Click Here To Sign Up!

Questions: contact Ms. Christelle 813-542-5968 or

Every High School student at St. Timothy should be registered for our 2024-2025 Youth Ministry and Faith Formation. We believe that when a teenager encounters Christ through the beauty of the Catholic faith, they will transform their parish, community, and culture. Teenagers today are a lot different than teenagers from 20, 10, or even five years ago. As teen culture changes and evolves the way we present the timeless truth of the Catholic faith needs to evolve, as well. LIFE TEEN is responsive, innovative, and engaging. We empower a team of Catholic adults to accompany young people as disciples. It’s fun and relevant. Students will be able to access our amazing Youth Center and gym as they build community and friendships with other fellow Catholic students. Also, does your Youth need Confirmation?In order for your Youth to be Confirmed this year (2025) they must have attended Catholic Faith Formation the previous year (2023-2024) and be entering at least 10th, 11th or 12th Grade. We realize sports and other extra curricular activities get in the way occasionally on Sunday nights but registering students gives them access to all our activities throughout the year including trips and retreat. Not only that but parents will also receive amazing online tools, resources and support groups that are sure to help you as a parent. So parents please register today!!!



Mulch Mass Sales February 2025
Mulch sales and delivery provides the BIGGEST fundraiser of the year.  Please sign up for Mass sales.   Arrive to sign in and out in the narthex of the church.  Hand out mulch forms at all entrances and exits used by church.  Collect any forms and payment in one folder.  You must sign in and out to get credit for this fundraiser!  Click Here To Sign Up. Contact Jen Linder with questions: 813-309-2112

Mulch Delivery Day Date March 8, 2025
Delivery Day For Mulch is Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 7am to 3pm.  At Youth Center.
We need drivers that can fit 10, 20, 30, 40+ bags in vehicle or trailer.  We need loaders to count and load mulch into vehicles and trailers. Click Here To Sign Up.

Fish Fry Lenten Service – March 7, 2025 – April 11, 2025
Click Here!   

Jewelry Sales Fundraiser – April 26/27 & May 3/4
All jewelry sales require one adult for each sign up.  Tables will be set up in narthex of church and should be pulled outside if weather permitting.  This fundraiser helps teens raise money for camps, retreats, events and trip costs.  It earns good money, even if you only get an hour in! Click Here To Sign Up!

World Youth Day 2027 Seoul, South Korea Early – August 2027 TBD.
Contact Jen Linder for more information:

High School Retreats!

Confirmation Students must attend 1 High School Retreat, however they can always attend more than one. We encourage all our students 9th-12th Grade to attend as many retreats as they can to build their faith!  Click the links for more information:

Joyful Noise Retreat at Mary Help Of Christians
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Click Here!

High School Lock-In

Confirmation Nights

Students getting confirmed this academic year please take a look at the updated schedule.

Mandatory Confirmation Nights:
Sunday, Oct. 27th 6:30pm
Sunday, Nov. 17th 3:30pm
Sunday, Dec. 8th 6:30pm
Sunday, Jan. 12th 6:30pm
Sunday, Feb. 2nd 6:30pm
Sunday, Mar. 9th 6:30pm
Sunday, Apr. 6th 6:30pm

Kentucky Mission Trip

June 2-7, 2025 in Jenkins, KY
We are excited to join us with Catholic Mission Trips Inc to bring our students and parents an incredible experience of caring for those in our own back yard.  St. Timothy Youth Ministry has been doing a foreign Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic for 8 years now, but this year we have been given an opportunity to work alongside Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity and their first mission she started in rural Appalachia.  Many of these families don’t have running water, adequate housing and are out of jobs in from the decline of the coal mining industry.  We will participate in projects geared toward home renovations for the poor, elderly, and low-income families there. Projects can include framing, roofing, siding, sheetrock, flooring, insulation, painting and landscape work.  We have only 30 spots so register as soon as possible to secure your spot. If under 18, must bring a parent.  Click Here for more information.

2024 Confirmation Photos & Video. Please follow these links below…

Link To New Uploaded Photos – Click Here

Link to Additional Photos – Click Here

Watch the Confirmation Mass LiveStream Video – Click Here

Life Teen Retreats

Covecrest – Summer 2024


How is catechesis taught? What textbook do you use?

There are no classrooms & no “textbooks” in High School Life Teen model. Instead, students learn about & interact with their faith through mentors and dynamic videos, which take place on Sunday evenings for High School. On these nights, students will be engaged with their peers and mentors in large group settings and small group settings throughout the month. All of our material comes from two main sources, YDisciple and Life Teen. These two sources use a curriculum that is based on the guidelines set forth by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops with the use of scripture and the catechism. Students become engaged as well through many opportunities to encounter Christ through prayer, adoration, devotions, and spiritual exercises that help them foster a personal relationship with Christ.

What does it cost to register for High School Life Teen?

Our High School Life Teen is $60. That includes programming during the fall and spring semesters. Our summer youth ministry program is free for all to attend, however; the summer program is focused mostly on building community and does not meet the required religious education needs. We also encourage our students to evangelize to their friends who may not be catholic to try out our Youth Ministry program for free.

What does High School Life Teen look like at St. Timothy?

Every Sunday Night students gather for our Contemporary Mass at 5:30pm. This Mass has modern music and lively homilies that engage our students. After Mass High School students gather for a meal in our Hall. Following the meal, we gather in our Youth Center for a Life Teen Night that ends at 8:30pm. These nights include fellowship, games, catechesis and mentoring. We also host two overnight retreats, monthly service opportunities, concerts, dances, pilgrimages, a mission trip, and other fun events throughout the year. Check out our HS Life Teen Events Calendar for more information about special events by clicking here.

Who plans the Youth Ministry Nights? Who runs them?

Our Middle School EDGE and High School Life Teen Nights are run by an energetic group of adults who we call Mentors. Our EDGE Mentors are committed every Wednesday evening and our Life Teen Mentors are committed every Sunday evening. They are committed to mentor students and plan our EDGE and Life Teen Nights alongside our Youth Ministry Director (Justin Lantz) and Youth Ministry Coordinator (Jen Linder), using the YDisciple and Life Teen resources. All of our adults are Safe Environment trained, Background Checked, and trained on how to use our resources to help in Catechesis.
We also have Jr. Mentors who are our High School 11th and 12th grade students who have felt the call to minister especially to our Middle School students and help play a leadership role on High School retreats.

How can parents and other volunteers get involved?

The success of the St. Timothy Youth Ministry program is directly related to the number of hands that pitch in to help. There are many ways you can get involved. Each volunteer plays a valuable part. An invaluable part of our ministry is our food ministry. On Sunday evenings we intentionally feed our High School students before we start that night. This is not done just to get food in their stomachs, but we recognize the need for them to sit around a dinner table together with their mentors is important for ministry to build relationships. Food is prepared by a group of parents or a parish ministry.
Youth Ministry is predominately made up of our mentors. Our mentors develop and plan our Youth Ministry Nights and are part catechist, part cheerleader, and part sympathetic ear for the students.
Life Teen and EDGE also is in need of leaders who can help plan and implement our Youth Ministry Retreats. These are overnight retreats that help lead students to encounter Christ in a special way.
We are always looking for helping hands who are good doing behind the scenes set up, clean up meals, build environments, send out birthday cards, help in the office and run our café in the Youth Center.
Finally, and most importantly, we need committed volunteers to pray for our students. Of course, anybody can do this from wherever you are however; we would like to coordinate with those who pray for our students so that we can share the student’s specific prayer requests with our prayer warriors. There are so many things that our students need prayer for and the more volunteers we are able to get to pray for our students the more grace will be poured out into this ministry.
For more information about these ministries, please contact Justin Lantz at or Jennifer Linder at
We are always looking for willing hearts to join us!

Additional Information


Learn More About Our New “Parent Life Ministry”

We’ll give you the tools you’ll need to carry out a Family Experience each year including:
  • A Planning Guide to walk you through the resources.
  • 2 Videos explaining the why and how of each Family Experience.
  • Kick Starters for Biblical family discussion time to lead up to the experience.
  • Each year we’ll focus on the biggest milestone for the year and give you the tools to make this milestone one to remember.

Youth Ministry Office Hours:

Sunday 2-9PM
Monday 9AM-1PM
Tuesday-Thursday 9AM-5:30PM
Other times by appointment only

Justin Lantz, Parish Youth & Young Adult Minister

Jen Linder, Coordinator of Youth Ministry

Watch Live Events and Mass on Sunday at 9amclick here