MSP Kiosk Video Training
This video will show you how to check-in for the Mass you are assigned to when you arrive at St. Tim’s. All check-ins for Mass need to be done via the kiosk, no exceptions. This applies to all of our Liturgical Ministries; Altar Server, Reader, EMHC, Usher, Ambassador, Sacristan, Safety Team.
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the presider and assembly during parish liturgical celebrations. This is an important ministry both of prayer and service. Servers are called to be special, visible models of a prayerful spirit at Mass. Young people who are beginning fourth grade may volunteer for this ministry. Training is provided.
For more information, contact Deacon Mike Ryba at
Ministers of Holy Communion
Eucharistic ministers assist in distributing the Eucharist at Mass. Participating in this ministry means making a commitment to serve at a certain liturgy.
For more information about this Ministry, please contact Deacon Mike Ryba,
The Music Ministry endeavors to develop a prayerful singing assembly though celebration, preparation, evaluation, education and personal ministry. They support the Gospel message through song and challenge the assembly to experience that message more fully. They include the music directors, instrumentalists, cantors, parish choir, children’s choir and a teen band. Training is available. If you sing or play an instrument and would like to be part of this ministry, we would be happy to have you share your talent by becoming part of the music ministry. Adult choir practice is held on Wednesdays from 7-9PM – all are welcome and no audition is necessary.
Please contact Chase White at or 813-968-1077 ext 235 for more information.
The Readers have the awesome privilege of proclaiming the words of Sacred Scripture at the Celebration of the Eucharist. In this sacred ministry, the Readers have an opportunity to draw the assembly into the Scripture which they are proclaiming. Training is provided, and some expertise in public speaking is essential. Readers are challenged to deepen their love of the Word of the Lord as it is found in the Bible, to continue their study of the Bible and to make the Scriptures a part of their daily life and prayer.
Please contact Deacon Mike Ryba at for more information.
If you are unable to fulfill your assigned date, please get a substitute. Thank you!
Liturgical Sacristans
These are people who serve our worship “behind the scenes”, whose ministry is to prepare the sacred vessels for Mass, cleanse and purify the sacred vessels after Mass, and act as the primary contact before Mass for the other ministers who will be serving at the Mass.
For questions, please contact Rita De La Torre –
Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers at St. Timothy Catholic Church act as hosts and hostesses to warmly welcome the people of God to each liturgical celebration as well as perform various duties as required of them. In addition to welcoming, they are also responsible for assisting with the seating, taking up the collection, directing the Eucharistic procession during the Mass and distributing the parish bulletins and other materials after Mass. Training is provided and volunteers are always welcome. Meetings are held as needed.
For more information, please contact Joe Matta at or John Roskovensky at