Alpha Course: No pressure. No Stress.

Each week we will watch a short video together that explores some of life’s biggest questions, then return to our groups to spend time discussing these different subjects. Some of the questions we focus on, are:

  • Is there more to life than this?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • How can I have faith?
  • How and why do I pray?
  • How does God guide us?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit?
  • Does God heal today?
  • How can I resist evil?
  • How can I make the most of the rest of my life?

Q: How does an Alpha Session work?

A: An Alpha session lasts for up to 2 hours. You watch a short video talk and share your thoughts on the talk with your small breakout group (who you will meet at the first session).  Most people come nervous! So, no worries.

During the discussion portion of the session, you can ask your group mates any questions you want. Your session host will ensure the discussion is confidential and ends on time.

Q: How long is an Alpha Course?

A: Alpha usually lasts 13 weeks including a weekend retreat: Friday Night and Saturday Morning/Afternoon.

Sounds like a long time, but it’s not.  Our guests look forward to joining Alpha week after week and many come back as Team Members for the following Alpha, because they just can’t get enough.

Q: I’m a cradle Catholic, is Alpha for me?

A: Yes, Alpha helps to reignite your faith life.  Do you often feel like you’re going through the motions at mass? And your friends seem like they are on fire for the Lord. You’re not alone, Alpha brings you back to the basics and helps you to rejuvenate your spiritual life and be filled with the Holy Spirit!  

Q: Do I need to be a St. Timothy Parishioner to attend?

A: No you do not need to be a parishioner, everyone is welcome to attend!

Q: My children are asking questions about faith that stump me, can Alpha help?

Yes, Alpha helps to equip you by bringing you back to the basics of Christianity.  Alpha videos and group conversations can help be the model for your family to better connect and grow together.  Alpha not only can helps you to have better conversations with your children and family members, but can rejuvenate your spiritual life no matter where you are in your journey.

Q: How much does Alpha cost?

A: Great news! Alpha is free. However, voluntary donations are always welcomed to help support this ministry.

Q: I am coming and will not know anybody else. Is that normal?

A: Yes! Most people come to Alpha without knowing anybody else on the course. By the end of the course, most people become good friends. Alpha is a great way to meet new people and make new friends.

Q: Do I have to talk and share my thoughts?

A: No! You may remain silent if you wish.

Q: Can I just ‘come and see’ for the first week?

A: Yes! Just register to let us know you’re coming so we can fit you into the right small breakout group.

Q: What if I go for a week or two and don’t want to continue?

A: At any point, if you think Alpha isn’t for you, that’s not a problem. There’s no pressure, no follow up and no charge….promise!

Q: What if I missed the first week?

A: It doesn’t matter if you missed the first week of Alpha – you can catch up online. Anyone is able to register up until session 3 (week 3); after that we would encourage you to check back on this website and sign up for our next Alpha course and start from session 1 (week 1).

Q: I have more questions. Who do I contact?

A: Questions can be directed to Mary LaMacchia, St. Timothy Alpha Administrator at  or 315-706-8775 (cell)




Important Note: You will receive a registration acknowledgement response from Mission Pathways, they are our 3rd party registration partner.  

If you have any questions, please contact Mary LaMacchia, St. Timothy Alpha Administrator, 315-706-8775 (cell)  or

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