The Sacrament of Confirmation is an important encounter with the Holy Spirit.  The Church desires all Catholics to receive this great Sacrament!

Why get Confirmed?

Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace:

  • It unites us more firmly to Christ;
  • It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us;
  • It renders our bond with the Church more perfect;
  • It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross  (CCC 1303)

If you are over 18 years old, are baptized, and have received First Holy Communion, but have never received the sacrament of Confirmation, St. Timothy will be starting classes on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024.

Our 8-week Adult Confirmation Prep Course will meet weekly for teaching, discussion and fellowship on Thursdays from 7pm to 8:30pm beginning on Oct 3rd and concluding on Dec 5th.  If you are interested in this opportunity, and want more information about the preparation process, the first step will be to reach out to Zack Weiss at

General Requirements

In addition to attending the Thursday sessions there are other important requirements directly below:

Pre-requisite Course

To further help you prepare, there is a pre-requisite course that you will need to take.  This is online and can be completed as best fits with your schedule.  It involves watching a faith formation series called The Search and answering reflection questions.  You can find more information by clicking on the attached PDF here: 

Additionally, to complete the confirmation process, you will need to provide proof of baptism, select a Confirmation saint and find a Catholic sponsor, as outlined below:

1. We will need a copy of your baptismal certificate (electronic is fine)

2. Before receiving Confirmation and Communion, you will need to select a confirmation saint.  During the Confirmation rite, we will ask this saint to intercede for you, and this will be someone that you can have a special connection with for the rest of your life, and beyond! The links below will be a great help in finding a saint that resonates with you and that you would like to build a life-long relationship with:

3. You will also need a sponsor to assist you at the rite and to help model what it means to be Catholic.  If there is someone who has meant a lot to your Catholic journey so far, go ahead and ask if they’d like to be a sponsor. The basic sponsor requirements are:

Requirements of a sponsor

  • At least 16 years old
  • Has received the sacraments of Baptism, 1st Communion and Confirmation
  • Lives a life of faith in harmony with the duty he/she is undertaking
  • Must be someone other than your parent 
  • If married, their marriage must be blessed by the Catholic Church.
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