Mission Statement

Cultivating lifelong learning and understanding by offering access to faith-based books that promote Catholic values for all ages in a welcoming environment.

Vision Statement

To empower, enhance, and enrich the quality of faith life for St. Timothy parishioners and visitors through spiritual books.

Location & More

The Parish Library, open to all parishioners, including teens and children, visitors, clergy and religious, is located in the St. Gregory the Great classroom in the Parish Hall. Operating hours are Monday through Friday during parish office hours (9am to 4:30pm) and on Sunday mornings during coffee and donuts. We ask that you refrain from taking refreshments into the library.

The library operates on the honor system. To ensure books are available for all parishioners, please return books within three weeks. A library cart in the St. Gregory the Great room is available for that purpose.

A directory lists the location of genres and related bookcases. New books are featured on the table display rack featuring the liturgical seasons, devotionals, and spiritual topics.

Our Children’s Adventure Zone offers books, and a reading nook, for our younger readers.

At this time, we cannot accept donated books or boxes of books due to limited shelf space. We also cannot accept DVDs, CDs, religious art and statues, holy cards, and related items.

We pray that you will take advantage of the wealth of information in the library. It continues to grow with nearly 2,400 spiritual books available for your reading pleasure. Thank you for returning books in a timely manner so all may enjoy.

Point of Contact: Lisa & Ken Marinik – lisamarinik@gmail.com
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