Mission: In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said: “What you do to one of the least of my brethren, you do unto me.”
To raise awareness of life issues in our culture, to respond to legislation that is harmful to life, to educate others on the issues and activities that detract from life and focus on ways to promote life.
What do we do:
We are called to witness to our parish and community on Church teachings pertaining to embryos, abortion, abortion healing, euthanasia, care of the elderly and handicapped, suicide, living wills, capital punishment and any issue that erodes the sanctity of life.
Project Rachel is a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental program where women and men can reconcile painful post-abortive emotions and begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. Contact information: (813) 924-4173 or projectrachel@ccdosp.org, http://hopeafterabortion.com/, http://www.rachelsvineyard.org/. Spanish speaking contact: (813) 500-9785.
September to early November, covering the Respect Life Month of October, the 40 Days for Life Campaign brings people from respect life groups across the world together to peacefully pray in front of abortion clinics.
Coordinate legislative action and communicate legislative issues that impact the sanctity of life. This is done through bulletin announcements, as well as other communications activity.
Parishioners involved in pro-life pregnancy centers, who have periodic fundraisers, diaper drives and other activities to provide support for women and men faced with unexpected pregnancies.
Periodic Spiritual Adoption programs and prayer opportunities and meetings.
Membership: All are welcome.
Meetings: Meetings are held monthly; watch bulletin for meeting announcements.
Parishioners are involved with pregnancy centers throughout the Tampa Bay area that provide free ultrasounds and pregnancy testing as well as facilitate adoptions:
Catholic Charities, 2021 East Busch Boulevard, Tampa 33612. Call 813-631-4398.
Some excellent resources for understanding the Church’s teachings on life issues include The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.