Mission: To provide parishioners/non-parishioners who have been impacted by cancer (directly/indirectly) with the opportunity to discuss their specific concerns with a person who has previously affected by cancer. It is not intended to provide medical advice. All information is kept confidential.
What do we do: Help those facing cancer cope with the loss of control, understand the choices based on the situation, provide a place for family members to get information and seek help in troubled times, an advocacy center for early screening for all types of cancer. We do this by providing an opportunity to:
- Talk to someone: share challenges: medical, physical, mental, faith; share achievements; share faith at a critical time
- Listen to others with similar issues and share coping strategies and successes
- Help others facing similar circumstances and choices
Membership: Those who have been impacted directly/indirectly by cancer. Experienced counselors are especially welcome
Meetings: Meetings are monthly.
Point of Contact: Kevin Castora, at (813) 476-0419, kcastor1@tampabay.rr.com
Note: If there is an immediate need, Kevin can be reached anytime at the number or email address above. A member of the network will make themselves available.